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Schorlarship Challenge Exams Dates Published

Dates  for the KUC Schorlarship Challenge Exams are now published. Applicants can either take the exams online or at KUC Main/City Campus. Registered applicants will need to ensure that they have first gained admission.


A username and password for accessing the online quiz will be sent to applicants email addresses. Applicants will need to visit the then navigate to students resources and click on kings virtual learning environment

Applicants can take the schorlarship challenge exams online on any of the following dates.

1st  Exams..................................................July 29th - 30th

2nd Exams.................................................August 1st - 5th

3rd  Exams.................................................September 2nd - 4th.

4th  Exams.................................................October 1st - 7th

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