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Faculty of Law Governance & International Relations


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Deans' Welcome Message
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Welcome to the Faculty of Law, Governance and International Relations at Kings University College; a diverse and vibrant community dedicated to the study and research of law, to making knowledge matter, and to developing all of our members; students and faculty, to their utmost potential.

The Faculty offers both a four- year and a three- year LL.B programme.


We are unique among law faculties in the country in that , among law schools in the country, our curriculum offers the most dynamic, responsive, broad, and engaging range of knowledge that is required in the modern world. Here, in addition to studying the traditional subjects taught at all faculties of law, our students also study political science, sociology and philosophy, and delve into topics of governance and developments that uniquely position them for success as global citizens.


As part of our commitment to ensure that our students receive the most complete grounding in legal education, our students undertake internships with law focussed institutions and law firms. Soon, our students will also be involved in our groundbreaking Grassroots Access to Justice Project; a project to improve access to justice and deliver public legal education to the most vulnerable citizens.  

I invite you to browse our website to learn more about Kings University College and the faculty and the courses that we offer, so that you will come to understand how we strive to educate men and women who are able to think critically, communicate effectively and passionately, and serve humanity with wisdom and compassion.

Prof. H.H Mensah
Academic Programmes

The Faculty of Law, Governance and International Relations seeks to provide its students with a law degree that emphasizes the global nature of legal education, as well as the interrelationship between law and governance. Currently, the Faculty runs a 4-year LL. B program for Ghanaian and Nigerian Students who want to be able to practice law in either Ghana or Nigeria. 

The Faculty also runs a 3 year LL.B program for those who already have a first degree in their respective fields



Certificate Programme:

In addition to the Bachelor of Laws Program, the Faculty also runs career driven Certificate programme concurrently to LLB Students. We also offer special tutorial classes for LLB graduates to prepare them for the Ghana Law School Entrance Examination.

   Mr. Samuel Osei Attakora

 A Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Governance and International Relations. Mr. Attakora’s research interests cover a variety of fields including Comparative Law and Constitutional Law of Ghana. Mr Attakora is also the Dean of Students at Kings University College

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