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Pay your Fees with Mobile Money

To pay your fees using mobile money please follow the below steps

  1. Locate the nearest mtnmobile money agent

  2. Top up your  personal mobile mobile money wallet with your cash

  3. Go to the interpay wallet at www.interpayafrica/kuc/ (which will be made available when setup is completed)

  4. Login with your student ID and password

  5. Topup your interpay wallet by clicking on the topup wallet on the right side menu

  6. Click on MTN mobilemoney

  7. Enter your phone number

  8. Enter the amount you want to upload from your mobilemoney wallet into your student wallet

  9. Click enter and follow the easy and user friendly steps

  10. Your wallet will be automatically with the money you want to load from your mobile money wallet and you can now pay your fees by clicking on the pay mandatory fees section.

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